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Sam Rhodes Presents: Segmentertainment!

Jun 24, 2019

This week, Sam takes on a new edgy persona to try to get more young listeners... He's joined by the brilliant Rob Dan, and they discuss their favorite 90s movies, Peitor Pavlovitch joins Sam to discuss the benefits of Toxic enhancement, Bill Clinton discusses Dads with Rob and Sam and Rob feel sad about Yoshi's fall...

Jun 11, 2019

This week, Sam is joined by returning favorite Kitty Harvey, and they discuss things they do that are bad for them, Kitty helps Tommy Wrongun with his Nando's etiquette, She tells us When she saw a moth, then she tells Ex president Bill Clinton his business. 


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Jun 3, 2019

This Week, Sam is joined by Brooke Hoerr, and he fills Sam in on the American take over of Sutton! 

Sam and Brooke talk Worst things that've been said about them, Brooke is sexually harassed by CW (Who has sad news about her marriage), Bill Clinton comes in to smooth out the good things about the American take over, and...